The road to the stock market is based on knowledge

Are you and your company considering an IPO? The company's board and business management have a lot to gain from being well prepared before making a decision to initiate a listing process, and being well informed about the requirements on a listed company.

Grant Thornton offers seminars and trainings for the board and business management of companies that are considering listing their shares on a stock exchange or other marketplace. With our extensive experience, we can account for the process of listing from a board and business management perspective.

Examination of stock market capability - pre IPO

Being well prepared is crucial for an efficient and successful listing process. A company is considered eligible for the stock exchange, i.e ready for the stock exchange, only when the listing requirements are met. Our experience is that the preparation is sometimes underestimated which can disrupt the process for the business management and advisors. We can conduct a review of the stock market capability prior to a listing process, based on our experience of common issues and of the listing requirements in general. Our review is summarized in an action plan for the board and business management.

Hired by NASDAQ Stockholm

When a company wants to be listed, an independent investigation is always conducted to assess whether it is appropriate to list and approve the company's shares for trading on the stock exchange. NASDAQ Stockholm appoints a stock exchange auditor who carries out these investigations on NASDAQ's behalf, and in consultation with the stock exchange's supervision. Grant Thornton has performed this type of assignment for companies in a number of different industries since 2010, both at Small Cap, Mid Cap and Large Cap.

The assignment includes assessing whether the company has the prerequisites to meet the listing requirements, primarily with regard to financial information and other price-affecting information. It is also assessed whether the company's board and business management are suitable to manage the company's operations and its commitments to the stock exchange and the stock market. The results from the investigation, together with a recommendation from the stock exchange auditor, serve as a basis when NASDAQ Stockholm's Corporate Committee decides on a possible listing.

Contact us to find out more about how we can take your company to the stock exchange.